giovedì 31 gennaio 2019

László bíró

László József Bíró, ispanizzato in Ladislao José Biro (Budapest, settembre 18– Buenos Aires, ottobre 1985), è stato un giornalista e inventore . La penna a sfera, o anche biro dal nome del suo inventore László Bíró, è uno strumento per scrivere su carta che rilascia inchiostro da un serbatoio interno . László József Bíró was an inventor of the first commercially successful modern ballpoint pen.

Early life; His invention; Biro trademark . Speravo che non si finisse per scaricare i rancori sugli . Inventore ungherese (n. in Ungheria 18- m. Buenos Aires 1985). Dopo aver praticato il giornalismo, appoggiato dal presidente .

L'ungherese Laszlo Jozsef Birò è un personaggio eclettico: si diletta nella pittura e lavora come redattore in una rivista di Budapest; ma, strano a dirsi, non ama . Ladislao José Biro, the eponymous inventor, was born into a Jewish family in Budapest, Hungary, and started life as László József Bíró. Hungarian inventor of the easy-to-use writing implement generally known as the biro in Britain and the ballpoint pen in the United States. The pen may be mightier than the swor but when Jewish-Hungarian journalist László Bíró invented the ballpoint pen in the 1930s clichéd . László Bíró (BEE-roh or sometimes BYE-row) invented the now-ubiquitous ballpoint pen. Previously, writers used either pens dipped in inkwells or fountain pens . Bíró László József (18- 1985) was the inventor of the ballpoint pen as we know it today.

Bíró László was born in Budapest, Hungary.

This is a simple question, but not many people can say the right answer: Laszlo Jozsef Biro. In our life the ballpoint pen is one of a main assets . László Bíró è stato un inventore ungherese a cui si deve l? Oggi, settembre, sulla sua, dedica il Doodle a László Biro, (vero nome: László József Bíró) l'inventore della penna a . László József Bíró (September 18– October 1985) was the inventor of the modern ballpoint pen. Biro Laszlo Jozsef, an inventor of ballpoint pen is known for his invention. He was born on 29th of September 18in the Budapest which is a .

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